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My name is Dan, and I am from Romania 🇷🇴. I am a software developer, mostly worked on backend, but have also dabbled in Android. Passionate about science, technology, hardware, and open-source in general.

As you can probably tell, Kotlin is my favorite language, and I tend to be a (self proclaimed) developer advocate. On the other side, JavaScript is my least favorite, and I tend to be a (very) vocal detractor. But it’s all in good fun!

My hobbies revolve around tech as well. I daily drive Linux, mess around with home-lab / self-hosting, and play video games.

Debates are also interesting, and while I always try to see both sides of the argument, there are certainly cases where I form strong opinions. What those are, I’ll leave for you to find out. But if you are also passionate about openness, collaboration, privacy, security, freedom, and software independence, then we will get along just fine.

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