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Theme-Aware Edge-To-Edge In Compose

How to properly offer your Compose mobile apps more rendering freedom by enabling edge-to-edge mode, and then how to deal with the gotchas. In this article we’ll be looking at my attempt at a Material3 UI in Compose Multiplatform, the issues I faced, and the workarounds I ended up using to overcome them.


2024-04-25 2623 words 13 min programming tutorial compose kotlin

Parallel Integration Tests With Ktor

Backend unit tests tend to be tedious to write, difficult to maintain, and costly to execute, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s how I leverage the power of Kotlin to make writing integration tests for Ktor backends a breeze, while also keeping them 🔥 blazingly fast 🚀.


2024-03-24 3490 words 17 min programming kotlin ktor tutorial

Be Cool About Type Safety

I very often praise Kotlin for its powerful and flexible type system, and bash on JavaScript for its lack thereof. But I want to show that, while it is personal preference (even if a popular opinion), there are actual merits to having a good type system. While Kotlin and JS are used as examples here, these points can be extrapolated to most languages.


2024-03-20 4121 words 20 min programming kotlin javascript